District 4 Seat in Palm Springs Now Held by Christy Holstege

PALM SPRINGS — With both Councilmembers Christy Holstege and Lisa Middleton setting their sights on higher office, two seats are open in the Nov. 5 election. They are in Districts 4 and 5. In District 4, five candidates are running to replace Holstege. Only one-person, former City Manager David H. Ready, is seeking the District 5 seat.

District 4 is located on the southeast side of the city and includes the Los Compadres, Sonora Sunrise, Rimrock, Melody Ranch, Araby Cove and Araby Commons and the Tahquitz Creek Golf neighborhoods. District 5 covers the southwest side of the city.

The five candidates vying for the District 4 seat in Palm Springs are: Joseph Jackson, David Rios, Ernest Ceceña, Anna Nevenich and Naomi Soto. Uken Report distributed candidate questionnaires to all candidates in the District. All questionnaires were identical. We vowed not to edit them. There was no word limit. Participation was voluntary.

The only candidate who did not participate was Nevenich. She is a staple of local elections and beyond. If there is an election for which she’s qualified, she runs. She has been on the ballot for the U.S. House of Representatives, California State Sent, Palm Springs City Council and Palm Springs Unified School District.

You may read the Q&A with each candidate on our website in the politics section.

The deadline to register to vote for the Nov, 5 election is Oct, 21.  If you miss the deadline, you can still register to vote until Election Day and follow the Same Day Voter Registration process, but you will not be registered as a confidential voter.

Starting Oct. 7, the Registrar of Voters will begin mailing each registered voter a Vote-by-Mail ballot and election material. Ballots must be postmarked on or before Election Day and received by the elections official within seven days after Election Day to be counted.





Image Sources

  • Palm Springs City Hall: Shutterstock