Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia, D-Coachella, has declined to answer a series of questions Uken Report posed to both candidates vying for the 56th Assembly District seat.
Candidates Garcia and his Republican challenger, Jeff Gonzalez of Indio, were each given identical questions and more than a week to answer them.
Gonzalez responded; nothing from Garcia.
Some readers lambasted Uken Report for not giving Garica equal time. Again, both candidates were given the same questions and the same amount of time to respond.
Uken Report reached out multiple times to the Garcia campaign.
“I know they were working on them,” one staffer said. “I just don’t know if they finished. I do know they had an event today and they were unable to take my call once I saw your email this morning.”
The staffer, put in the middle was nothing short of professional, “Wish I knew more. This isn’t deliberate. I am positive they just have a lot of requests.”
Exactly who they are is unclear.
Uken Report asked if Garcia was aware of the lack of response, the staffer did not respond.
Candidates across the board, Democrats and Republicans alike, have responded to Uken Report questions as a way to get out his or her message, including Sen. Jeff Stone, Joy Silver, Gonzalez, Supervisor V. Manuel “Manny” Perez, Jan Harnik and more.
In the interest of full disclosure and transparency, here are the questions posed to both Garcia and Gonzalez.
1. Do you have a horizontal/landscape photo of yourself you could send me? Horizontal (rectangle) works best for my site, please. It will paint you in the best light.
2. Occupation
3. Age
4. City of residence?
5. Do you support Proposition 6. Why or why not? What does passage or failure mean specifically to your Assembly District?
6. In this era of #MeToo, it seems every day we hear of prominent men and women accused of sexual harassment, rape, sexual assault. From Matt Lauer to Les Moonves to Charlie Rose and more. I want to give each of you the opportunity to tell me if you have ever been accused of sexual harassment, sexual assault, domestic violence, or other? Please explain if you have and your position on this issue. You know we have a president accused of all types of sexual misconduct.
7. Are you liberal or conservative and what does that mean to you. I know one of you is Democrat and one Republican, but I also know in this politically charged environment those are loaded labels so I want to give you a chance to explain in your own words?
8. Identify one, just one, time when you rallied opposing viewpoints in support of your plan, proposal, initiative, etc.
9. Do we need more “gun control” (victim disarmament) laws?
10. Why specifically are you running?
11. What is the single biggest issue facing your Assembly District, why and what are you doing – or will you do – to correct it?
12. Where (in what area) do you think you can make the biggest difference? Healthcare, housing, veteran affairs? Those are examples of what I mean.
13. What are the three most notable endorsements you have received to date?
Mr. Garcia, Uken Report would be happy to publish your responses.