PALM SPRINGS — Less than two weeks after Rich “Da Coach” Gilgallon lobbed verbal grenades over the KNEWS airwaves at Dan Ball, a Republican candidate for the 36th Congressional District, he is no longer employed at the station, Uken Report has confirmed.

“He is no longer with us,” Senior Vice President and Market Manager Tricia Bastida told Uken Report on Wednesday. “Coach has accepted a position in Tennessee working with a former radio colleague of his. It was friendly on both sides. We are rooting for Da Coach’s success.”

Bastida had initially told Uken Report that Gilgallon was on vacation and would be back on Tuesday, May 29. Uken Report independently confirmed he had been suspended and was not allowed back in the building.

The announcement and abrupt departure comes during an all-important ratings period. It also comes on the heels of a tumultuous week for KNEWS 94.3 and 104.7 – and congressional candidates. At least two complaints were filed with the Federal Communications Commission accusing Gilgallon and his on-air colleague, Paul Cashin, of engaging in vicious, slanderous comments against Dan Ball.

The complaints stem in part from Gilgallon accusing Ball of drinking then getting behind the wheel to drive with his 10-year-old child in the car and accusing Ball of not serving in the military.

Ball denies both allegations and produced proof of his honorable discharge from the military.

Gilgallon, seemingly on a tirade against any Republican candidate who isn’t Kimberlin Brown Pelzer who is constantly promoted, also took to the airwaves and resorted to childish name-calling, referring to Ball as “odd.” Gilgallon, with Cashin by his side, accused Ball and Doug Hassett, another Republican candidate for the 36th Congressional District seat, of not being serious candidates, of not doing the work needed to win and mocked them for not raising money – all the while pushing Kimberlin Brown Pelzer, the so-called anointed Republican candidate.

Gilgallon Gilgallon and Cashin weaponized their microphones and the airwaves to push one Hollywood candidate while discounting and attempting to discredit all others in the race.

The duo’s bluster and bombast peppered the airwaves for two months, especially against Ball, until they crossed the red line and Ball said, “Enough!”

With his call to management and charges of slander and hiring an attorney, “Hot Talk” quickly dissolved into one Hot Mess. The show, which once aired weekdays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. is now history. The time slot is being filled with the syndicated Mark Levin Show, leaving “The Bill Feingold Show” the only local talk show on KNEWS. It airs weekdays from 6 a.m. to 9 a.m.

Cashin is reportedly still at the station.