Scott Nevins alleges Grace Garner is claiming endorsement she has not received

PALM SPRINGS — Scott Nevins, who is challenging Grace Garner for the District 1 seat, has filed a request with the City Clerk and the Fair Political Practices Commission to have Garner’s Candidate Statement revoked for “inaccurate information” that will mislead voters if published.

“This is not a step I take lightly, but one I feel is necessary so that voters have accurate information when evaluating candidates,” Nevins said in prepared statement.

Garner did not return a request for comment Thursday.

“Unfortunately, the District 1 incumbent incorrectly lists Mayor Lisa Middleton as having endorsed her and makes claims of hundreds of “community leaders” who support her,” Nevins said. “To date, the incumbent has not provided any information to support these claims. Mayor Middleton has not to this date — and certainly not to the date of the candidate statement — endorsed any candidate in District 1.”

In fact, according to Nevins, the mayor requested that her listed endorsement be removed from the incumbent’s website.

Middleton said she has “no comments at this time.”

“We’re in very thoughtful conversation,” she added.

“It is very concerning that this incorrect information remains on the candidate statement that will be sent to all voters in District 1,” Nevins said. “This violates the election rules that all candidates have agreed to abide and support, stating that a candidate cannot provide misleading information to voters in their candidate statement. This serious violation is grounds for revocation of the incumbent’s candidate statement.”

Nevins claims that Garner’s falsification of Middleton’s support is not an isolated incident. He alleges that Garner also ran afoul of the Palm Springs Police Officers’ Association who requested Garner remove it from listed endorsements on her website. The PSPOA has not yet endorsed any candidate in the District 1 election.

“The incumbent’s casual approach to the truth so early in this race appears to be a pattern and we must hold each other to a higher standard than this,” Nevins said.

“There is a nationwide assault on truth in politics, and Palm Springs is better than this,” Nevins said. “Now more than ever, it’s critical that our city runs candidates that are honest and truthful with voters about their qualifications and record. I am committed to doing just that and, in the interest of upholding the rules, in the interest of respecting voters, and in the interest of running an honest and truthful election, I am calling on my opponent to do the same. ”

Nevins is unlikely to receive any relief from the city Clerk’s office. Its office is not designed to be the arbiter of truth.



Image Sources

  • Scott Nevins: Scott Nevins