Jim Mattis has retired. In the days ahead we will learn more about why this Marines Marine retired with two more years left on his term.

Few Defense Secretaries have done more for troop morale and had more achievements in the combat than Jim Mattis.

Simply put,  James “ Mad Dog” Mattis is a legend for his care of those who served under him. He enlisted in 1969 as a private and earned a Commission and rose to the highest rank in the Corps of General.

In the U.S. House and U.S. Senate,  Secretary Mattis is respected on both sides of the aisle. The relationships that the Secretary has with the Congress helped secure record funding for the Department of Defense.

Unfortunately, it is reported that the President and Defense Secretary have differences of opinion on a number of issues and those differences intensified over the past few months.

The president’s decision to pull troops out of Syria and Afghanistan and his recent announcement that the Chairman of  the Joint Chiefs of Staff would be replaced with Army Chief of Staff  Gen. Mark Milley are reported to be amongst the reasons that prompted Secretary Mattis to retire.

Mattis has always been a class act and his resignation and retirement letter to the president reflect his respect for the office of the president.

James Mattis has served our nation for more than four decades . As a Marine he was respected by his troops. You can’t find a Marine who served under his command that didn’t hold the general in high regard.

The general led from the front, set high standards, and led by example. Something today’s so-called leaders could learn and practice.

As Mattis leaves the post of Secretary of Defense, he will be remembered for his buildup of the department. He was instrumental in rebuilding our military. He stood up for his principles. His resignation makes it clear he and the Commander in Chief were no longer on the same page. He’ll also be remembered for standing his ground and protecting his troops.

Stay tuned for a Tweet informing us who’ll lead the Defense Department for the next two years.

Thank you Secretary, Mattis for your service in uniform and as our Secretary of Defense. Your leadership will be missed by all who serve in our Pentagon and in uniform.