Next Community Outreach Meeting on the North Lake Pilot Demonstration Project Scheduled for Oct. 15; meeting will be held in-person and virtually in both English and Spanish

SALTON SEA – The North Lake Pilot Demonstration Project, the first major revitalization project for the Salton Sea’s northern shore, will be the subject of a second meeting on Saturday, Oct. 15 at 1 p.m.

The vision of the project is to build an approximately 156-acre lake with both shallow and deep-water habitat near the North Shore Beach & Yacht Club Community Center. The lake would restore and manage habitat for fish and birds, control dust, provide recreational opportunities, and revitalize the northern end of the Salton Sea as well as the community of North Shore.

The project is being implemented by Riverside County on behalf of the grantee, the Salton Sea Authority, with $19.25 million in state Proposition 68 funding from the California Department of Water Resources on behalf of the Salton Sea Management Program.

The North Lake Pilot Demonstration Project is a joint project of Riverside County and the Salton Sea Authority in collaboration with the state’s Salton Sea Management Program.

The meeting will take place in person in the auditorium at Desert Mirage High School, 86-150 Ave. 66 in Thermal, CA  92274. The meeting will also have a virtual option for attendees wishing to participate remotely by Zoom (link). The passcode to the Zoom link is 20221015.

The meeting will have Spanish interpretation and a Spanish language stream accessible through this Zoom link (link), passcode 20221015.

“I am pleased we will hold our second public outreach meeting on this exciting North Shore Salton Sea revitalization project on October 15, with in-person and virtual options for attending and participating,” Supervisor V. Manuel Perez said in a statement. “We are looking forward to letting the community know of our progress and to hear their input on the project.”

The initial meeting for this project was a virtual meeting held on Feb. 5, which was attended by more than 100 community members who saw conceptual plans presented for the future project and had the opportunity to have their questions addressed by Supervisor Perez, State Assemblymember Eduardo Garcia and other presenters.

Videos of the first meeting and information on the plans are available on the Web page for the project by clicking here.


Image Sources

  • Salton Sea: Image by StockSnap from Pixabay