Quick: Which of these troops is transgender?
Exactly. You cannot tell.
Each is putting his life in danger for a bigger purpose – to serve his country.
Praise God, every man, woman and transgender who chooses to serve his or her country will again have that opportunity now that a federal court order has overruled President Trump’s promise to ban them from the military.
On Monday, White House spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders said the Pentagon would comply with the federal court order to accept new transgender troops.
Compliance shouldn’t even be a question.
The Obama administration had put in place policies to begin this process July 1. The Defense Department put a halt to the plan after Trump Tweeted he wanted to ban transgender troops from serving and in August reversed Obama’s policy as he has so many of the former president’s policies.
This one was done simply out of spite to Obama and his legacy. It was a homophobic, knee-jerk reaction to an illogical and unfounded perception.
High praise goes to the federal court for the cooler, more intelligent heads that prevailed.
Transgender troops protect this country like any other, are patriots like any other, bleed like any other, and die like any other. They are human beings.
There are a few to several thousand transgender troops on the active-duty force of about 1.3 million, according to the non-partisan Rand Corp. It found that treatment costs and the effect on military readiness were minimal.
If Trump had one his homework instead of watching cable news nonstop, he would have known that.
According to Rand, it costs $2.4 million to $8.4 million each year for transgender troops’ treatment, which might counseling, surgery and hormone treatment.
Is that really too high a price to pay for what they give this country in return? Or is it simply a thinly veiled mask to hide anti-LGBTQ views.
Welcome to the military, transgender troops.
Thank you in advance for your service.