Monroe Street and Avenue 41 traffic signal project to begin this month
INDIO — To help calm traffic and provide safe access for vehicles turning left off Avenue 41 onto Monroe Street, the city of Indio is installing a new $478,328.40 traffic signal project at the intersection of Monroe Street and Avenue 41.
Watch for construction at Monroe Street and Avenue 41 from December 2022 to February 2023. Work will occur between the hours of 7 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday.
In addition to installing a new traffic signal, the improvements will also include:
- Reconstruction and widening of the sidewalk
- Construction of curb ramp
- Striping modifications.
During construction, all streets will remain open and local access within the neighborhood will be maintained throughout construction, and temporary traffic control devices will be in place to direct traffic accordingly.
Construction cost for the project is funded by Measure A and the City’s Developer Impact Fee – Traffic Signal Funds. Measure A generates funds for transportation infrastructure in Riverside County through a half-cent sales tax.
Motorists should expect minor travel delays, observe all construction signs, and obey road crews. Access for emergency vehicles will be unaffected. The city of Indio appreciates motorists’ patience and cooperation during the project’s duration.
Image Sources
- Traffic signal: Pexels