Councilors OK Amendment to Vacation Rental Regulations

DESERT HOT SPRINGS — Like many other Coachella Valley cities, this community on Tuesday considered amending Vacation Rental Regulations. Councilors did so on a 4-1 vote.

On July 5, the City Council approved City Staff’s recommendations to bring forward an ordinance to amend the following STVR Regulations:

  1. Institute a citywide cap on STVR Licenses at 4% of total housing parcels with developed
    housing units.
  2. Restrict New Applications (not renewal of existing licenses) for an STVR License from being within 500 ft., measured front door to front door from existing vacation rentals in the city.
  3. Realign regulations for vacation rentals for noise, trash cans, and parking to the same regulations used for residential properties in the city.
  4. Modify the Occupancy Regulations for STVRs.
  5. Require STVR Platforms to remit TOT directly to the city; Remove Vacation Rental
    advertisements from their platforms for illegal or non-compliant operators when requested to do so by the city.

First reading was Tuesday, Oct. 17 when the City Council met in regular session at 6 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, 11-999 Palm Drive.

Councilmember Russell Betts told Uken Report that the amendment is nothing more than “smoke and mirrors.”

The proposal before the city council is to greatly relax the regulations imposed on vacation rentals / STVRs, Betts said.

“The only provisions that are more restrictive are the citywide cap at 4% and the distance of 500 feet between vacation rentals,” Betts said. “For neighborhoods already highly impacted by vacation rental disturbances, the proposed rules make their situation worse, not better.

A read of the agenda shows what would appear to be a tough enforcement stance but preceding that tough language is a stripping-away of what in residents’ view should be violations and the major source of disturbances, Betts said.

“It sounds tough, but it’s nothing more than smoke and mirrors.”



Image Sources

  • Short-term Vacation Rental: NBC San Diego