In a little over a week, voters in District 1 in Cathedral City will receive their mail-in ballots for the upcoming City Council election. There are two capable candidates to choose from: Rita Lamb and Shelley Kaplan. Here are my thoughts on the process and why I want Rita Lamb to join the City Council.

.Unfortunately, as with most local elections these days, there has been a cacophony of unnecessary silliness and drama. To be fair, not by the two principals involved. For her part, Rita has run a calm, dignified campaign going door-to-door meeting with residents. You could say she is seeking the most relevant endorsement of all, that of the voters of Cathedral City. Her concept of social media is to be interactive with actual people. She is not a keyboard warrior but rather a problem solver.

I have known Rita for almost 30 years. She has many fine attributes including but not limited to, superb management, a cool demeanor and problem-solving skills. Her management skills earned the distinction of being named Principal of the Year by the Desert Sands Unified School District.

A not-so-little secret of any local government is that a big chunk of Council time involves managing city staff. Many times, council people will take credit for capital improvement projects. The truth is that city staff finds the federal, state, and county money for these projects. You won’t see Rita trying to hog the spotlight when she is on City Council.  She personifies the definition of a team player.  To borrow a phrase, Team 2019.

Now some have questioned Rita’s candidacy by citing her lack of experience on the Council. This, of course, is a bogus argument for a number of reasons.  All candidates, including her opponent, have had an inaugural election campaign. Otherwise, we would never have any new blood on city councils. Also, it is ironic since many who raise this point opposed the appointment of a “place-holder” candidate back in February who had more City Council experience than Mr. Kaplan or Rita!!!

It should be pointed out that Rita Lamb is not running against someone or some idea. Rita is running for fairness, progress and diversity. She is more than competent for a seat on the City Council. The upcoming election is not about niche politics. It’s about the future of Cathedral City. And that future can best be served by electing Rita Lamb City Council.




Image Sources

  • Rita Lamb: Rita Lamb