Dedication for new Wellness Center at Cielo Vista Charter School Set
PALM SPRINGS — For the second time this month, a project will be dedicated that Measure J tax dollars helped complete. Dedication for a new Wellness Center at Cielo Vista Charter School, made possible by Measure J tax dollars and the Foundation for Palm Springs Unified School District is set for today, Monday, Nov. 13 at 11:30 a.m.
With the increase in poor mental health, depression, and anxiety among youth in the United States and all over the world, the new Wellness Center at Cielo Vista Charter School provides much-needed mental health services and a safe space for students that supports their mental, behavioral, social, and emotional health in a serene school setting.
The Wellness Center is furnished with youth appropriate furniture, comfortable seating, artwork, music, games, art supplies, and healthy snacks to make it a comfortable refuge for students to relax and share feelings. In addition, individual and group counseling is provided.
Targeting mental and behavioral health within Palm Springs Unified, where many students face poverty leading to behavioral and emotional issues is of high priority. The goal of the partnership between Measure J and the Foundation for Palm Springs Unified School District is to establish wellness centers on campuses across the district; providing high impact philanthropic projects to the community that drive results and change lives.
Cielo Vista Charter School serves about 875 students Transitional-Kindergarten-8th grade. It is located at 650 S. Paseo Dorotea.
On Nov. 2, a ribbon-cutting was held to dedicate Mizell Center’s Anastasia Angel Nutrition Center and newly renovated kitchen, brought to the community in part by $500,000 in Measure J tax dollars.
Mayor Grace Garner; City Councilmembers; and the Measure J Commission; will join Tony Signoret, Interim Superintendent, for Palm Springs Unified School District; School District Board member Charlie Ervin; Cielo Vista Principal Juanita Perezchica; School Board Clerk Sergio Espericueta, and members of the Board of Directors for the Foundation for Palm Springs Unified School District at a ceremony to formally dedicate the new campus Wellness Center, brought to Palm Springs residents in part by Measure J, the one-cent sales tax that gives back to the community.
Speakers will include Mayor Grace Garner, Mayor Pro Tem Jeffrey Bernstein, Tony Signoret,
Interim Superintendent, and Naomi Soto, Chair of the Measure J Commission.
As you might recall, in November 2011, Palm Springs voters approved Measure J, a one-cent sales tax increase that has funded hundreds of important citywide services and capital improvement projects, including the Downtown Revitalization Project and public improvements, the new Downtown Park, hundreds of miles of city street paving, the renovation of the Welwood Murray Memorial Library, the fire station on LaVerne Way, and much more.
Coming soon, Measure J dollars will help expand pickleball courts at Demuth, improve playground park
equipment, and help pay for renovations of the Palm Springs Public Library and the historic Plaza
Theatre. For more information, visit
Image Sources
- Cielo Vista Charter School: PSUSD