Lt. Chad Bianco has a pattern of taking shortcuts and that includes being in default on his home loan, according to Retired Riverside County Undersheriff Valerie Hill.
If he will default on a mortgage, Hill said she fears what shortcuts he might take if elected Riverside County Sheriff and operating a multimillion dollar budget.
The most recent bombshell in that pattern of shortcuts is documentation that Johnny Chad Bianco and his wife, Denise Jo Bianco, defaulted on a home loan for the five-bedroom, five-bath, 4,232-square-foot home at 16580 Greene Circle. The single-family home was built in 2004.
“During the national housing crisis, like many Riverside families, Chad Bianco’s family suffered a significant loss of income,” Andre Levesque, a spokesman for Bianco told Uken Report. “Ultimately Chad made a difficult financial decision that was in the best interest of his family. Voters should see this for what it is — a desperate attempt from (Sheriff) Stan Sniff to smear Lt. Bianco’s name in the final days of the election.”
On Feb. 25, 2009, Bianco and his wife were issued a notice of default on their loan in the amount of $35,843.51. The couple was advised the amount would increase until the account became current. They were advised that while the property was in foreclosure, they would be required to taxes and insurance. The document was filed with the Riverside County Assessor, County Clerk and Recorder.
In May 2009, the couple was given notice that they were in default and advised that unless they took action to protect their property; their house would be sold at public auction at 10 a.m. on June 23, 2009. This notice is also on file with the Riverside County Assessor, County Clerk and Recorder. The total amount listed in the notice of trustee’s sale is $690,433, which includes the total amount of the unpaid balance, (including accrued and unpaid interest) and reasonable estimated costs, expense, and advances.
An official request for Bianco’s salary, made through the California Public Records Act shows that with salary, overtime holiday pay, benefits and more, Bianco’s income was $171,744 in 2008 before he bought the house and $177,931 the year of the foreclosure. He personally showed no significant loss of income. Last year, he pulled in $242.217. The past decade of his earnings and benefits can be found here.
Former Undersheriff Hill said the foreclosure came as no surprise to her because of what a credible, now-deceased, lieutenant told her in 2009. When Bianco was talking about purchasing the home the lieutenant reportedly asked Bianco whether he could afford it, Hill alleges. Bianco allegedly said if he couldn’t he would simply walk away.
In 2008-09, when a lot of other people were walking away from their homes, he pulled out some equity in the home, went and bought another home and walked away, Hill alleges.
“A lot of people didn’t think anything about it because that was happening to a lot of people right then. The only thing is, the lieutenant who questioned Bianco about his ability to afford is was promoted to the executive team and knew what Bianco said. To me, that’s a concern that’s akin to the guy who likes to take the shortcut and will do anything to benefit himself.”
Hill said she is gravely concerned about him being in charge of a $700 million budget.
“It’s not just one chunk of money,” Hill said. “Within that money is several grants, there are reporting requirements. There’s money that can only be used for certain things. There are trust funds. The thing that’s really tough in law enforcement is that once you got to that level, almost anything could result in a lawsuit. You’re trusted by the citizens to look out for their funds that they pay in tax dollars.”
Hill said Bianco also took a shortcut in getting an online degree in seven months from what is often characterized as a diploma mill.
The biggest shortcut of all is Bianco’s second bid to become Riverside County’s top law enforcement officer after failing to be promoted in nearly a decade, she said.
Sniff declined to comment for this story.