A meeting designed to showcase many of the political candidates seeking local, state and federal office has grown so large already that a larger space had to be secured.

The March 22 meeting of Concerned Citizens of La Quinta will meet at 5:30 p.m. at the La Quinta Embassy Suites Hotel. The meeting is designed to discuss the future of La Quinta and East Valley.

All Candidates running for the following offices have confirmed and will be there to introduce themselves and to answer questions.

US Congress

  • Congressman Raul Ruiz (If unable to attend due to Congressional Schedule in D.C. will send representative)
  • Kimberlin Brown Pelzer
  • Dan Ball
  • Doug Hassett
  • Stephen Wolkowicz

US Senate

  • Paul Taylor

State Senate

 State Assembly

  • Assemblyman Chad Mayes (Scheduling Conflict in Sacramento)
  • Andrew Kotyuk
  • Gary Jeandron

State Attorney General

  • Judge Steven Bailey

County Supervisor

  • Supervisor Manuel Perez
  • Palm Desert Councilmember Jan Harnik

County District Attorney

  • District Attorney Mike Hestrin

County Sheriff

  • Sheriff Stan Sniff (Scheduling Conflict)
  • Chief Dave Brown
  • Lieutenant Chad Bianco

La Quinta Mayor

  • Paula Maietta
  • Linda Evans (Scheduling Conflict)

La Quinta City Council

  • Councilman John Pena
  • Joseph Johnson
  • Mimi McClurg
  • Councilman Roberto Radi (Has not rsvp’d)

Robert Sylk

“Each election cycle marks a time for us to begin again with both promise and potential,” Robert Sylk, chairman of Concerned Citizens Of La Quinta, said in his invitation.  “… We need a process that would enable voters to focus on the candidates’ abilities and potential without being distracted and subconsciously biased by irrelevant factors such as tenure in office.”

It is time to have new forums, like ours, that will bring the community together to find creative solutions to our problems and challenges of which we have many, he said.

Sylk also said this is not a time for anyone to rest on his or her laurels.

“How a community cares for those less fortunate, as well as its institutions of art, culture, education, and service, is a sign of its concern,” Sylk said. “Sometimes helping a single life is like saving the entire city and we should never separate ourselves from the community. A great city is concerned with the total welfare of its citizens and embraces a culture of community service. Such a city is destined for greatness.”

Greatness, Sylk said, is dependent on choosing the right leaders who will give of their time toward improving life for all.

“We need leaders that bring a new spirit of responsibility — that is what makes good cities into great cities,” Sylk said.