Pastor Brian Hawkins plans to officially launch is congressional bid in Indio

INDIO — Pastor Brian Hawkins, a San Jacinto City Council member, elected in 2020, announced plans earlier this year to challenge incumbent Democratic Rep. Raul Ruiz, M.D. in 2022. He is now ready to officially launch his congressional bid in this community.

Hawkins told Uken Report he chose to kick off his campaign in Indio because it is the center of the 36th Congressional District.

Hawkins’ event will be held Tuesday, Nov. 16 at Richard and Susie Bower’s property in Indio at 5:30 p.m. Hawkins said it will be the second event he has held there in about five months.

Currently an individual ticket is $250. Sponsor level is $1,000 and Host is $2,900. To RSVP, contact Victoria at 949.440.1027 or [email protected].

However, Hawkins is hoping to change the fees, which were set by his fundraising team. He would like to lower the fee to make it more affordable to all.

“I’m more interested in meeting as many people as I can,” Hawkins told Uken Report. “I want them to hear me, meet me, and hear my vision.”

Hawkins told Uken Report that at early point in the race, he’s feeling good.

“I feel like I’m hitting a good space in my campaign,” Hawkins said.

Hawkins is one of at least two people who have announced a challenge to Ruiz.

Storm Jenkins, who owns Guns of Distinction, a firearms store in Palm Desert, recently announced his intentions at a Coachella Valley Conservatives luncheon.

Jenkins, a Republican, wants to push back hard against the Biden administration’s policies as a representative in Washington, and he plans to announce his bid to run in California’s 36th Congressional District at a luncheon Sunday with the Coachella Valley Conservatives.

Ruiz, who worked as an emergency room physician until he was elected in 2012, represents California’s 36th District, which includes the entire Coachella Valley, as well as the cities of Banning, Beaumont, Blythe, Hemet and San Jacinto. He resides in Palm Desert,

Over the years Ruiz has held off four Republican challengers.

In 2020, Ruiz triumphed over Erin Cruz.

In 2018, Ruiz defeated Republican Kimberlin Brown Pelzer in the general election by a vote of 59 percent to 41 percent.

In 2016, Ruiz bested former Republican state Sen. Jeff Stone,

California’s 36th Congressional District was a battleground district in 2014 due to the low margin of victory for Democrats in the previous election and last two presidential elections. Incumbent Raul Ruiz (D) and Brian Nestande (R) triumphed in the blanket primary over Ray Haynes (R). Ruiz went on to defeat Nestande in the general election on November 4, 2014.



Image Sources

  • The Rev. Brian Hawkins: YouTube