IDYLLWILD — This picturesque community nestled in the San Jacinto Mountains serves as the backdrop for a new television series for FX titled “The Old Man.” The series stars Jeff Bridges. It was filmed in Idyllwild on Oct. 30.
The show is based on the Thomas Perry novel about a former CIA agent who has been living off the grid, until an assassin enters the picture.
“The Old Man” marks the first starring role on TV for the Academy Award-winning actor Bridges. He won He won numerous accolades, including the Academy Award for Best Actor for his role as Otis “Bad” Blake in the 2009 film Crazy Heart.
The Film Commission was able to meet the needs of the film production in downtown Idyllwild, while taking into account the impact to the local businesses.
“The Film Commission attracts productions to our unincorporated communities, such as Idyllwild, where they create a strong, positive economic impact to local businesses,” Riverside County Film Commissioner Bettina Breckenfeld said in a news release. “It leaves us with interesting movie stars and productions to tout for future projects.”
The Film Commission works with county partners to coordinate traffic and pedestrian flow around the production to ensure safety and minimize delays.
“The Old Man” wrapped up filming in downtown Idyllwild on the eve of the community’s annual Halloween Parade and Carnival on Oct. 31.
“Come on up to Idyllwild for a good ol’ fashion, down-home Halloween,” said event organizer Chris Singer. “We’ll even have a costume contest for humans and dogs.”
Idyllwild’s Halloween Parade kicks-off at 4:15 p.m. on Oct. 31 at the top of North Circle Drive, followed by a carnival at 7 p.m.
There will be trick-or-treating at local businesses, a dunk tank, face painting and cake walk. With a $5 wristband, carnival-goers can also enjoy other games and jump houses.
The Riverside County Film Commission assists with easy online permits, incentives and locations for films, TV shows, commercials and music videos in Riverside County. The office provides professional, expedited concierge services from start to finish. Click here for more information.
Image Sources
- TV Show Scene: Riverside County Film Commission
- Idyllwild: Shutterstock