Veterans 22K Walk to be Held Saturday, April 13, at Dennis Keat Soccer Park

CATHEDRAL CITY — To underscore the rate of suicide among Veterans, the Cathedral City Evening Rotary will host the inaugural 2024 Veterans 22K Walk on Saturday, April 13, at Dennis Keat Soccer Park.

The U.S. Census estimates there are about 2,000 veterans in Cathedral City:

The city is also home to Veterans Village, which fits hand-in-glove with the walk.

The City Council this week approved a Special Use Permit for the Cathedral City Evening Rotary’s 2024 Veterans 22K Walk and approved the Parks and Community Events Commission’s (PACE) Hydration Station (as part of the event) funding request of $500.

A 22K walk is 13.6 miles. Participants will seek donations.

The latest report from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) shows 6,392 veterans died by suicide in 2021. After accounting for updates to last year’s reported data, it was determined this was 114 more veteran deaths by suicide than in 2020.

Additionally, 42% of veterans who died by suicide in 2021 had no contact with the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) and were not receiving VA benefits. 62% of veterans who died by suicide in 2021 did not have a recent VHA health care encounter.

PACE will sponsor and personally operate Hydration Station at the event. This hydration station will provide water, electrolyte drinks (Gatorade), oranges, bananas, granola bars and other snacks for the participants during the event.

This event will take place at, and around the perimeter of the Dennis Keat Soccer Park, north of 30th Avenue on Saturday, April 13. The event, consisting of approximately 100 to 200 walkers, will start at 7 a.m. and should conclude in the early afternoon, approximately 1 p.m. to 2 p.m.

“I just think this is an amazing event,” Councilmember Rita Lamb said.

This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend.

For more information, call Mitch at (760) 832-1191 or email him at [email protected].


Image Sources

  • 2024-Veterans-22-22-800×568 (1): Shutterstock