(Editor’s note: The following message to stay home is from Palm Springs Mayor Geoff Kors. It is published in its entirety.)

PALM SPRINGS — “Staying at home is a requirement, not a recommendation.

Geoff Kors

Mayor Geoff Kors

“Yesterday, the number of COVID-19 / Coronavirus cases in Riverside County increased by 50% in just one day. The Coachella Valley had 20% of deaths in California while being only around 1% of the population. We live in a “hot spot” and we need to do everything we can to slow the spread of the virus.

“That means staying at home unless it is truly essential. Limit your exposure, your exposure to others, and the exposure of the incredible people who are still working to serve us.

• Public health experts are telling people to only go to the grocery store once every other week.
• Go to one store to get the essentials if you cannot do delivery.
• Use drive thru if your pharmacy has one.

“This is not about getting what we want, it is getting what we truly need. Every time you go out shopping you put yourself and others at risk and, as a result, putting our health care workers, public safety workers, other essential workers, and your family members at risk. In Italy, where people are used to going food shopping every few days, they continued to spread the virus even with strong rules in place.

“They have now had to increase their restrictions to what is virtual martial law. If we all act in a responsible manner, we can hopefully avoid what is happening in Italy.

“You can still take a walk or hike if you keep six feet apart from others. Some cities have had to close trails due to overcrowding and lack of social distancing.

“The overwhelming number of residents and businesses in Palm Springs are doing the right thing. Thank you! Please be kind to people in essential jobs who are doing their best under exceedingly trying circumstances. And please be kind to each other. This is an unprecedented situation and Palm Springs is a city of people who care for one another – and it is that caring that will get us through.”

Geoff Kors
Mayor of Palm Springs, California

Image Sources

  • Geoff Kors: Geoff Kors
  • Stay at home: PIxaby