Palm Springs Police Lt. Gustavo Araiza to be honored with Special Achievement Award at Memorial Day Awards Luncheon

PALM SPRINGS — Two local veteran organizations are presenting a Special Achievement Award to Palm Springs Police Lt. Gustavo Araiza on Memorial Day, Monday May 27.

American Veterans (AMVETS) Post 66 and Jon Castro Chapter 19 of Veterans for Peace (VFP) are sponsoring their 18th annual Memorial Day Awards Luncheon at Cimarron Golf Resort ,67603 30th Ave in Cathedral City. The cost is $28 per person. The program begins at 12 Noon.

Lt. Araiza is being honored for his outstanding service to the community promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion within the City of Palm Springs. Council Member Christy Holstege nominated Lt. Araiza for this award.

“As the liaison and manager of the Police Department’s LGBTQ+ Outreach Committee, Lt. Araiza has shown a steadfast commitment to advancing the city’s objectives by supporting LGBTQ+ individuals across various intersections of identity,” said Chief of Police Andy Mills. “He has been instrumental in organizing successful public events such as “Cocktails with the Chief” and facilitating initiatives like wrapping the PSPD PRIDE car, further solidifying the Department’s collaboration with the LGBTQ+ community.”

Chief Mills also noted the Lt. Araiza helped develop and execute an awareness campaign aimed at reducing sexual violence during casual encounters within the city as well as implemented departmental policies to mitigate the risk of excessive force, such as banning no-knock search warrants.

Beyond his duties within the Palm Springs Police Department, Lt. Araiza actively volunteers for two organizations, “Team Rubicon” and “Recovery First”, which assist vulnerable communities globally and provide support to public safety professionals.

In addition, Palm Springs Councilmember Lisa Middleton will present a special recognition to Nicole Schapiro of Palm Desert, who was two-years old when the Nazis captured her mother and she went into hiding in a Hungarian convent. The children of three other deceased holocaust survivors will attend the luncheon to remember their parents.

Image Sources

  • Palm Springs Police Lt. Gustavo Araiza: City of Palm Springs