PALM SPRINGS — Campaign contributions can tell a variety of interesting stories, including how hard a candidate may or may not be pounding the pavement.
Campaign contributions can also show who has a broad base of support with both small and large donations. The money trail also shows where allegiances could lie.
Granted, there is a lot of time between now and Election Day, Nov. 5, but there are some early indications based Campaign Disclosure Statements filed with the City Clerk’s office.
In District 3, Geoff Kors is easily the king of campaign contributions at this point. Click here to read more.
In District 1, Les Young is the frontrunner based on his report that covers the period Jan..1, 2019 to June 30, 2019.
Based on his campaign contributions, Young has some power hitters batting for him to bring the race on home. To date, his contributions total $25,605. Of that amount $1,930 were non-monetary. His treasurer is Merle H. Busic.
Among Young’s contributors are:
- Dana Reed, Indian Wells City Councilmember, $250
- Lisa Middleton & Cheryl O’Callaghan, $250
- Ginny Foat, $100
- Joy Silver, $150
- Harold Matzner, $5,000
Grace Garner trails in second place with $19,500.50 in campaign contributions. Non-monetary contributions totaled $2,634.50. Her treasurer is Scott Gordon.
Two of contributors are:
- James Williamsons, $500
- Christy Holstege, $250
Scott Myer listed $30 in monetary donations, a $1,000 loan to himself, and non-monetary donations of $267.80. He is his own treasurer.
Michael Shogren lists no campaign contributions.
In District 2, Peter Maietta is the leading the trio of candidates with $24,003 in campaign contributions. The total includes a loan of $2,050.
Two of his notable donors are:
- Joy Silver, $150
- Thomi Clinton, $100.
His treasurer is Shawnda Deane.
Dennis Woods ranks second with $21,584.39 in total contributions. His treasurer is Robert Rotman.
Among his notable contributors are:
- James Williamson, $500
- J.R. Roberts, $214.02
Adrian Alcantar reports raising $15, 540 in total campaign contributions. Non-monetary contributions total $12,000 with $3,540 in cash.
One of his notable contributors is Kimberlin Brown, a self-employed actress of Palm Springs. She ran and lost in her challenge against Congressman Raul Ruiz in November 2018.
His treasurer is Ted Stoner.
Image Sources
- Les Young: Les Young
- Peter J. Maietta: Peter J. Maietta