Desert Healthcare District and Tenet Healthcare Move Toward Next Steps to Fulfill Seismic Retrofitting Needs at Desert Regional Medical Center by 2030
PALM SPRINGS — In 1994, Senate Bill 1953 was enacted in California, requiring all hospitals to meet certain structural and non-structural seismic requirements by 2030. The requirements for all hospitals are defined and regulated by the Department of Health Care Access and Information (HCAI – formerly OSHPD).
Desert Healthcare District (District) is working with Tenet Healthcare (Tenet) and healthcare consultants to ensure that Desert Regional Medical Center (DRMC) in Palm Springs remains in full compliance by the 2030 deadline. The hospital and campus are owned by the District, and Tenet has leased and operated the hospital since 1997. During its tenure, Tenet has met all deadlines and is in compliance with current regulatory seismic standards to safely operate DRMC.
The next milestone will be January 2024, and will require the completion of a full, non-structural, engineering evaluation, which Tenet and the District will provide to HCAI.
“The safe delivery of healthcare to our community, staff and physicians will always be our top priority,” said Michele Finney, CEO of DRMC. “We will continue to work closely with the District for engineering studies, surveys, and assessments as we collectively approach the overall deadline of seismic compliance by January 1, 2030.”
“The non-structural evaluation is the most recent step in a robust compliance process,” according to Conrado Bárzaga, Desert Healthcare District and Foundation CEO. “The Healthcare District Board and staff look forward to identifying with stakeholders the best course of action to achieve compliance with state regulations while continuing delivery of care services for Coachella Valley residents and visitors.”
Image Sources
- Desert Regional Medical Center: Shutterstock