DACA, the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is no nursery rhyme and certainly no dream for the dreamers. DACA, as created by the Obama administration has now left many in the lurch and it needs to be dealt with in a fair and reasonable manner.
The issue at hand is that we have people residing in the US who are not citizens. Just as the name indicates, the citizen status of this group is a deferred status not a permanent status and requires each individual be vetted and their status reviewed every two years. Yes, those that came here with their parents had no choice in the matter, and they only know the US as their home. So, what do we do?
First, we are a nation of laws with borders and set immigration policies. Do we dismiss laws just because they lack compassion? Are laws meant for some and others? No, that can’t be. The second point I would make concerning the “dreamers” and their parents is that they are neither Refugees nor Asylees. They did not apply for Refugee status before they arrived and did not apply for Asylum after they arrived. Again, what do we do? I’m not a dreamer, but I do have a plan for those that are here and do not have legal status in the US. Since I started my campaign for Congress in the 36th District I’ve been telling people, I have a plan. If you look at my literature much of it states, “My Plan for Earned Citizenship”. Earned being the operative word.
Throughout history, every dreamer has had to pay a price. If you dream about inventing something but you never pay the price to patent and produce it, you are a dreamer, not an inventor. Our American history is full of both dreamers and achievers, but the achievers had to earn their way to become the stuff of history. Growing up I was taught that earning my way was far more important than having something given to me. Earning helped me calculate my cost and framed the value of the end result. Giving people citizenship is the wrong approach. And, for my Hispanic sister-in-law who had to gain her citizenship by earning it the proper way, I can only assume there would be some disappointment that others gained their citizenship free of cost.
Since last August and my tour of the border from San Ysidro to the Pacific Ocean I’ve been talking about the border, immigration and my plan for “Earned Citizenship.” In light of recent news, I’m just now hearing about plans that are similar, but I’m not hearing the word earned. Although not in Congress yet, I would put forth my idea to create this law. It’s defined, it’s strict, and it’s fair. Without laboring over every detail here, and keeping it simple; why can’t we create a law that provides a very clear roadmap to becoming a citizen?
- (Out of the shadows) Enrollment in nationwide database, e-verify or other
- Establish a reasonable time line to citizenship – I say 5-7 years
- Exact a cost to complete
- Create several methods to meet the monetary cost – including an immigration fee
- Program for working and non-working individuals
- Failure to meet time line would result in deportation.