COD Trustee Area 3 Vacancy Draws Moderate Interest

PALM DESERT — At the close of the application window at 5 p.m. May 4, a total of seven applicants have applied for the COD Trustee Area 3 vacancy, which was created when Fred E. Jandt resigned in March due to health reasons.

Names of applicants are not yet being released, Armando Robles, executive administrative assistant, Office of the President, told Uken Report.

Two applicants who have publicly announced their desire to be tapped for the vacancy are former Palm Springs Mayor Ron Oden and Rocio Conde, president of LULAC of the Desert. The League of United Latin American Citizens is the largest and oldest Hispanic membership organization in the United States.

Following is a timeline of how the appointment is scheduled to occur.

  • On Wednesday, May 10, the applications will be provided to Trustees for their review, according to a detailed timeline process. Trustees will score each application.
  • On Tuesday, May 16, Executive Assistant, Armando Robles, will tally the scores and contact the top four candidates. In addition, he will send a letter to those not selected.
  • Finalists invited to interview will do so during an Open Session meeting, expected to take place May 19.

In addition to their employment history, educational background and public and community service record, applicants were asked to answer a series of written questions. Some of the questions included:

  1. Please state why you are seeking an appointment with the Board of Trustees.
  2. What skills and abilities would you bring to the work of the board of trustees?
  3. Please describe your experience in serving on boards, commissions, appointed or elected positions. Please list the dates and how these experiences would contribute to your service on the board.
  4. Describe other community involvement and experience that would contribute to the work of the board and the community college.
  5. Please give an example of how you have handled being part of a voting body when you have had a different point of view or position than the majority of the board members.
  6. What is your approach to working with a team of people in achieving policy level goals?
  7. What do you hope to accomplish by serving as a trustee?

The current four-member board is hoping to appoint someone to fill the COD Trustee Area 3 Vacancy. If they cannot agree on an appointment, a special election could cost roughly $180,000.

Image Sources

  • COD: COD