Sheriff Chad Bianco called ‘immature’ for posing on floor in front of female law enforcement leaders

A photo in which Sheriff Chad Bianco posed while lying on the floor in front of female law enforcement leaders is coming under criticism in some corners and smiles and cheers in others. It’s all in the eye of the beholder.

You come to your own conclusion.

The photo in question was taken at the California Police Chief’s Association Women Leaders in Law Enforcement Training Symposium earlier this month.

The purpose of the Training Symposium is to bring together law enforcement professionals in a supportive and empowering environment, enabling them all to learn from the knowledge and experience of others. WLLE is a unique opportunity to network and connect with women and men who can help attendees succeed in their future endeavors.

One retired law enforcement official called it “immature.” Another called it “disgusting.” One woman wondered if a female sheriff would get away with lying down in front of a group of men.

“There were literally hundreds of women standing around,” Bianco told Uken Report.  “My employees told (asked, however you want to look at it) me to lay in front of them for the pic. I did. Everyone, and I mean everyone, around us clapped and thanked me for being a good sport.”

One of the women sent the picture to Denise, his wife, who said, “Ahhh, cute!”

“It was fun, and everyone loved it,” Bianco said, who was re-elected to a four-year term in June. “I seriously don’t give a crap about what haters think.  They are bitter, miserable people who need to get lives and stop trying to make people as miserable as they are.”

Others at the conference said, “You are the leader every department needs.” “I wish you were my sheriff/chief.”  “I’m thinking of lateraling to RSO just because of you.”

“That’s what I heard over and over at a three-day conference of 1600 professional women LEADERS,” Bianco said. “Do you really think I care what … (thinks.? AGAIN, they know nothing about me, nothing about my department, nothing about law enforcement, and definitely nothing about leadership.  Sadly, they don’t want to.  They are blinded by personal and political agendas — exactly what is wrong with society. They are the problem, not me.”

As a point of levity, Bianco was fully clothed and not lying naked on a bear skin rug, like Burt Reynolds did in 1972 for a Cosmopolitan centerfold. There’s that!





Image Sources

  • Bianco Strikes a pose: Courtesy photo