In my opinion, Thanksgiving day is the best holiday of the year. It’s a uniquely American holiday tradition that literally has room at the table for absolutely anyone who wants to join in and It connects people of all faiths, heritage, culture and so on, etc., etc., etc.. There’s just no better way to spend the day than with family, friends and guests all gathered together to share in good company and a great holiday feast.

 Imagine the first meal shared between Native Americans and Pilgrims from across the Atlantic. These two peoples of different nations, languages, cultures, faiths were able to celebrate in kind with a shared meal and good company. That was a truly harmonious moment by any measure and it highlights the best of what America aspires to.

 Since that very first Thanksgiving day, the giving of thanks and celebratory feast of turkey, corn and bread became the first time honored tradition. Since then many other holiday traditions have come to include watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, the beloved post meal or pre meal watching of the Thanksgiving Day Football Game and then there’s the least favorite but sometimes inevitable tradition of the holiday family drama. We’ve all seen it, or at least heard of it, or even have been a part of it, you all know who you are.

 So in the spirit of celebrating that shared grace and harmony, seize the day with kindness and generosity. And if that moment should arise when that irritable in-law, that confrontational cousin, or that know it all neighbor throws out that first verbal “snickerdoodle,” respond in kind by offering up an irresistible slice of delicious holiday pie. Who can argue when you’re in the middle of enjoying a delicious slice of holiday pie.

 Best holiday wishes to all!


Image Sources

  • Thanksgiving: Image by hudsoncrafted from Pixabay