PALM SPRINGS — In a unique and creative way to underscore the importance of completing the 2020 Census questionnaire, members of the City Council on Wednesday, Sept. 16 will kick off a friendly competition.
The competition is designed to see whose district can get the highest Census response rate by hosting drive-by caravans throughout their respective districts. The goal is to encourage residents to respond.
The caravans will begin at 5:30 p.m. from the parking lot of the Palm Springs Public Library, 300 S. Sunrise Way, with several representatives from city departments, business, nonprofit and neighborhood organizations on hand along with a few local celebrities, including NBC Palm Springs anchorman Gino Lamont, NBC Palm Springs personality “Manny the Movie Guy,” and popular local Drag Queen Bella daBall.
The District with the highest response rate will be announced at a future Council meeting this fall.
September is Census Action Month and due to the U.S. Census Bureau’s recent announcement that
the deadline to complete the survey has been moved one month earlier to Sept. 30, it is now more
important than ever that every Palm Springs resident submit this or her response so the city can
receive its fair share of federal funding for schools, hospitals, public safety, infrastructure, community projects and initiatives that will help shape the future of Palm Springs for the next decade.
In addition, the U.S. Census will be launching several Mobile Information Booths throughout Palm
Springs to provide residents with information and online assistance in completing their Census
questionnaire. The information booths will available at the following locations:
- Downtown Palm Springs in front of Welwood Murray Memorial Public Library, Sept.
11, 12, 18, 19, 25 & 26 at 5 p.m. – 7 p.m. 100 S. Palm Canyon Drive - Palm Springs Leisure Center, Sept. 12, 19 & 26, 8 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 401 S. Palm
Canyon Drive - Palm Springs Public Library, Sept. 14, 21 & 28 at 10 a.m. – Noon, 300 S. Sunrise Way
- James O. Jessie Desert Highland Unity Center’s FIND Food Bank Mobile Pantry Food
Distribution, Sept. 24 at 4 p.m.- 6p.m. 480 Tramview Road
The U.S. Census takes place every 10 years and provides an important picture of the nation that
helps determine where to build new schools, hospitals, and businesses; how federal funding is
distributed; and how Congressional seats are apportioned. It also helps the government see how
many communities have changed over time.
By law, Census responses are required to be confidential and cannot be used against anyone in a
court of law or by a government agency such as the FBI, Department of Homeland Security or U.S.
Immigration Enforcement. The survey is available in 12 different languages, including Spanish.
Image Sources
- Census: iStock