In 2013, California State Legislature approved Governor Brown’s plan to establish the Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF). The new formula to fund schools eliminates the old practice of restrictive funding for specific purposes.

As a result, all local education revenue now comes in two allocations: 1) a base grant that is the same for all school districts and intended to serve all students, and; 2) additional supplemental and concentration funds allocated based on the number of students in the district who are English language learners, low income, and foster youth.

local controlNo longer bound by the requirements of dozens of state programs, districts now decide how to best use their funds to meet local needs. To support the implementation of LCFF, the Legislature required districts to develop a Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) as part of the process. Desert Sands must describe how we intend to meet annual goals for all students. The LCAP presents goals, improved services, actions, and spending plans aligned with California’s priority areas.

Desert Sands has always valued input from diverse stakeholder groups including parents, students, teachers, administrators, community leaders, and school board members developing a comprehensive strategic plan.  This document set the foundation to guide the transition into Desert Sands Local Control Accountability Plan. Continuing with the collaborative efforts, Desert Sands solicits input from various stakeholders to develop our LCAP.  In June 2014, the Board of Education approved our district’s first LCAP bringing the benefits of a more flexible, equitable, and transparent way to fund its schools. The LCAP provides an opportunity for Desert Sands to share our story on how, what, and why programs and services are selected in supporting our students to become college and career ready. We report annually on how our actions help improve student outcomes.

Our three goals are:

  • Goal 1 — All students will demonstrate growth as measured by federal, state, and district assessments.
  • Goal 2 — All students will graduate and be prepared to make a successful transition to further education and/or career opportunities.
  • Goal 3 —All students will develop and consistently demonstrate responsible, respectful, and ethical behavior in a safe, clean, and orderly learning environment.

Desert Sands constantly evaluates practices, actions and services, working toward the three goals through the “Continuous Cycle of Improvement.”

The process for developing our local plan begins each year during the months of January through April with the Desert Sands LCAP Advisory Committee, that includes parents, students, employees, and community members who examine results and consider current conditions as we revise, strengthen, and extend our multi-year plan to improve outcomes for all students.

Moreover, different stakeholder groups are provided an opportunity to respond in person at their school, district leadership meetings, and parent advisory meetings. Additionally, throughout the school year, parents, staff and community members have the opportunity to discuss different topics with the Superintendent at Bailey and Coffee chats, scheduled during the school year at various coffee locations throughout communities in DSUSD.

To assist in the advancement and adjustments of our actions and strategies, we conduct annual surveys hosted by Panorama Education, for students, parents, teachers and  community members who are unable to participate in person at various stakeholder meetings. The months of February and March are set aside as our “Listening to Learn” time on how to address the unique needs of the students and families we serve. This anonymous survey is available on the DSUSD website.

local controlInformation provided through committee meetings, community forums, and surveys help inform a draft describing actions and services addressing the students in Desert Sands.  The draft LCAP is presented  to the Board of Education for the first read, also allowing for public comment in May.  In June, the Board will have a final read and approve the new Desert Sands Local Control Accountability Plan.

Let your voice be heard. Simply log on here, and select “Feedback Wanted.”

Image Sources

  • DSUSD Control Plan: Desert Sands Unified School District
  • DSUSD Control Plan: Desert Sands Unified School District
  • DSUSD Control Plan: Desert Sands Unified School District