The last day of school is just a blink of an eye away but in two blinks of that eye it will be time to begin the 2019-2020 school year. While stores have yet to begin their back-to-school sales, there are other things you can be doing to prepare for the new year.

A successful BETA program with several Desert Sands schools took place last year to prepare us for the 2019-2020 all-school online registration. Parents have already been receiving information regarding online registration and many have taken the first steps to participate in updating their children’s information.

2019-2020 school year


First step? Activate your ParentVUE account. To do so begin at your child’s school. With just days remaining for this academic year, why not stop by this week to ask for your personalized code? This same code will work for all of your children even if you have kiddos in multiple schools. Parent VUE is your source for important information about your child/children’s attendance, grades, academic courses, calendar, and discipline information. Here you will be able to update emergency contact information, complete the permission form for your child’s photo to be taken, sign the responsible technology use form, and so much more. It is through ParentVUE that next year’s standardized state test scores will be available.

ParentVUE is an “app” that can be downloaded to your device (computer, mobile phone, iPad, or any other “smart” device). It is available to download with either an Android or IOS device. If you have questions about how to download the app and where you can access the app, the administrative staff at your child/children’s school(s) will be able to assist.

Second step? Make certain that your child/children’s 2019-2020 ParentVUE account includes the sharing of your email address so that you can continue to receive electronic messages from the school(s).

Third step? Click here to start or download the SchoolMessenger app (available from Apple or Google) and create your account in order to set your communication preferences. Messages to parents and guardians are distributed via this service and you can select phone calls, text messages, and/or emails.

The going digital for student includes further correspondence with parents. The 2019-2020 school year parent/student handbook will be distributed electronically and messages to parents will continue through our SchoolMessenger service with fliers on school and community events sent through PeachJar.

Questions about ParentVUE, SchoolMessenger, PeachJar, and any issue can be emailed to [email protected]. If your child is new to our schools, an in-person visit is necessary for registration. Simply ask your school site administrator for assistance.

Go green and go digital with Desert Sands Unified School District!

Image Sources

  • hero-dsusd-laptop-1200×852-v1: DSUSD
  • DSUSD Online Registration: Desert Sands Unified School District